Thursday, 21 July 2011

Packaging AdobeCaptivate Application

1. Installed Adobe Air application prior to installing this application.

2. Created "Install_Captivate5.EXE" for wrapping the Set-up.exe.

3. Extracted msi files which install Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer, Adobe Captivate Reviewer 2.0 and Adobe Community Help and created individual transforms for these msi's.

- In the transform file of Quiz Results Analyzer, deleted desktop shortcut; changed the INSTALLDIR of the package and added a property ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 since it was putting in two add/remove entries.

- In the tranform file of Captivate Reviewer, deleted desktop shortcut and added a cutom action(CA_SetINSTALLDIR) to change the INSTALLDIR.

- In the transform file of Adobe Help, deleted desktop shortcut; added a customaction (CA_SetINSTALLDIR) to change the INSTALLDIR; Added a file appDB.db to "%Appdata%\chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1\Localstore\" to suppress the update of the local help content; Added a customAction to delete the file "[ProgramFilesFolder]Adobe\Adobe Help\updateConfig.xml" to suppress automatic updates of the application and added active setup to copy the user specific files to all the users.

4. Added scripts in the wse to install these msi files.

5. Installation of the Captivate 5 package is performed using the below parameters:

Set-up.exe --mode=silent --deploymentFile="deploy\AdobeCaptivate5.0AllLocales.install.xml" overrideFile="deploy\override.xml".

When the shortcut is launched it pops up a screen as below
"Some Adobe Captivate features such as screen capture and audio might not work as intended without admin privileges". Tried to suppress the screen by selecting "Do not show this message again". But the settings corresponding to this is fixed through settings.msi file which is installed by the wrapper exe.

The settings.msi has ICE 91 warnings which is achieved through active setup.

6. Created Uninstall_Captivate5.EXE to uninstall Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer, Adobe Captivate Reviewer 2.0 and Adobe Community Help and uninstallation of captivate 5 is performed by using the below parameter:
Set-up.exe --mode=silent --deploymentFile="deploy\AdobeCaptivate5.0AllLocales.remove.xml". Also added scripts in it to remove the files and registries remaining after uninstallation of the application.

Malfunctions/Known errors
1. Repair of the application is not supported.

2. Clean un-installation is not supported since Adobe Photoshop CS also shares same files/folders


  1. hi
    can u pls provide the user specific registry\file that u have
    used to suppress the popup
    "Some Adobe Captivate features such as screen capture and audio might not work as intended without admin privileges"...

  2. create active setup

    in active setup copy folder(captivate 6.0, this will create when u launch the application and select Dnt show again check box) in %LOCALAPPDATA% for every user.

    This will help for ur problem.

    1. But even after changing the Captivate 6.0 the shortcut behavior changes when compared with the source!!!

  3. Some Adobe Captivate features such as screen capture and audio might not work as intended without admin privileges". Tried to suppress the screen by selecting "Do not show this message again". But the settings corresponding to this is fixed through settings.msi file which is installed by the wrapper exe.

    The settings.msi has ICE 91 warnings which is achieved through active setup.

    In settings.msi what is the things added??? kindly need ur help

    Hi may i know what is the exact things required to supress this window????

  4. Within Captivate - Go to Edit | Preferences and then Confirmation messages. Uncheck "Startup message in Microsoft Windows Vista/Microsoft Windows 7."

  5. Thank u so much, nice information and very clear. please keep adding articles on application packaging and msi and latest information

  6. Knowledgeable and impressive blog about the msi application packaging. I appreciate your hard work.
