Thursday, 21 July 2011

Packaging Adobe CS5

The Adobe Creative Suite 5 application has below file and folders:
The Adobe CS5 can be customized in 2 ways:
1. Using application.xml.override file 
Create "application.xml.override" file and place it in "Deploy" folder.
Below are the contents of "application.xml.override":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Data key="EULA">Suppress</Data>
<Data key="Serial" protected="0">XXXXXXSERIALKEYXXXXXX</Data>
<Data key="Registration">Suppress</Data>
<Data key="Updates">Suppress</Data>
Command lines
To install: Set-up.exe --mode=silent --deploymentFile=".\Deploy\en_US_Deployment.xml" overrideFile=".\Deploy\application.xml.override"
To uninstall:Set-up.exe --mode=silent --deploymentFile=".\Deploy\Uninstall.xml"
2.Using ApplicationManagerEnterprise  tool                                          
Double click on "ApplicationManagerEnterprise_2_all.exe",
Click on "Accept", below screen will appear.
Click on "INSTALLATION PACKAGE", below screen will appear:
Fill in the information:
Package Name: Name of the customized package to be created(An msi will be created with this name itself)
Save to : Browse for the location to save the customized package
Locate the Product Install folder: Browse for the folder in which the setup.exe and other folders present.
Find the below screenshot with filled data:
Click on "Next" the below screen will appear:
Enter the "SERIAL KEY" and click Next, the below screen will appear:
Click on Next, the below screen will apear:
Check or Uncheck the options depending on your requirement and click "Next", the below screen will appear
This checks for the updates and below screen appears
If you do not want to include the Updatesin the package uncheck "All Updates" and then Click On "Build".
If you want the updates to be installed, you click on to select the Updates according to your requirement.
Upon Selection Click On "Build",
It creates a package which contains an msi with suport folders for installation.
The custom package contains the folders "Build" and "Exceptions". Use the Build folder for installation of Adobe CS5 application.
-The msi created cannot be installed in UI mode and with switch /qb!.
-Use the below command to install in silent mode
Command Line: Msiexec.exe /i "<Path to CustomAdobe CS5.msi>" /qn
-Adobe design premium CS5 will install several applications.(Adobe Bridge, Device central, Adobe Air and many more)
-Adobe Air 1.0 is a part of Adobe CS5 intallation. So it is recommendable to install higher version of Adobe Air(Ex: Adobe Air 4.5) as a pre-requisite for Design premium CS5 application.
-Though the application is customized to suppress the
automatic update option, it will not be set in all applications which CS5 installs. This needs to handled by creating other msi.
-Refer the post from here to support suppressing the automatic update in all applications.
-Command line for uninstallation of the application:
msiexec /x <product code of AdobeCustom CS5> /qn

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