Thursday, 21 July 2011

Install and uninstall AdobePhtotoshop elements CS5 using wise script and packdoc on how to do the same

Get Environment Variable commonprogramfiles into Variable CPF
Execute "%INST%\Set-up.exe" --mode=silent --deploymentFile="%INST%\Deploy\en_US_Deployment.xml" overrideFile="%INST%\Deploy\application.xml.override" (Wait)
Pause 10000 Milliseconds
Delete File(s) %CPF%\Adobe\Adobe PCD\cache\cache.db
Pause 1000 Milliseconds
Install File .\cache.db to %CPF%\Adobe\Adobe PCD\cache\cache.db
Execute msiexec.exe /i "%INST%\Settings\PhotoshopCS5 Settings.msi" ALLUSERS="1" REBOOT="ReallySuppress" /qb! (Wait)

Execute "%INST%\Set-up.exe" --mode=silent --deploymentFile="%INST%\Deploy\Uninstall.xml" (Wait)
Execute MsiExec.exe /x {DE3A9DC5-9A5D-6485-9662-347162C7E4CA} /Qb! (Wait)
Execute MsiExec.exe /x {0D2DBE8A-43D0-7830-7AE7-CA6C99A832E7} /Qb! (Wait)
Execute MsiExec.exe /x {CB2B43AD-1E1C-4C6F-BD2D-ABBB81CD30E3} /Qb! (Wait)
Execute %SYS32%\wscript.exe "DeleteFolder.vbs" (Wait)

1. Created "application.xml.override" file to add serial key, to support silent installation and placed in "Deploy" folder
2. Created "PhotoshopCS5 Settings.msi" to suppress the automatic updates in  the applications installed.

-Added "AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat" file to C:\ Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\AAMUpdaterInventory\1.0\ to suppress the updates in photoshop CS5 application.
-The automatic update in MEDIA PLAYER is under Options->Updates->Automatically check for Updates.
prefs.xml  added to %appdata%\Adobe\Adobe Media Player\Local Store\settings\

-Added "Bridge.reg"(Placed in Analyse Folder) file to suppress the dialog box which ask to run Bridge automatically to start at  logon.

-For Device central, GOTO "Help" Menu, click on updates,a Preferences dilog box will be opened, uncheck the option for "Notify me of NEw Updates" and "Updates for products".

-Adobe extension Manager, Update option is under the File-> Preferences->Updates
Unchecked, Check for Extension Updates

3.Created Install PhotoshopCS5.EXE using wise script editor.
-to install the application.
-to install the "PhotoshopCS5 Settings.msi".
-to replace the file "cache.db" file from from C:\Program Files\Commom Files\Adobe\  to suppress the registration screen for photoshop application.

4. Created "Uninstall PhotoshopCS5.EXE" to uninstall the application.  
-Repair of the application is not suported.

-The warnings and ICE03 is not resolved in "PhotoshopCS5 Settings.msi" as it’s a setting package.

-The ARP entry of "PhotoshopCS5 Settings.msi" is suppressed as it is a setting package.

-The Adobe Air 2.5 is given to install before installation of this application, as PhotoshopCS5 will install Adobe Air 1.5.

-When we launch the shortcut Adobe help, a dialog box pops up to update community help, this could not be suppressed as it comes everytime we launch the shortcut.
   Under Edit->Preferences, download preferences,  updater settings are done to disable.

-Clean uninstallation  is not supported. 

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