Thursday, 23 June 2011

Package Internet Explorer 8 for vista

1.Use IEAK 8 from
2. Before install the IEAK 8 , we should install the IE8 Media in the pc.

3. click on Internet Explorer Custom Wizard then select the 3rd option like Inranet distribution licens.
From the following link I followed the below guidelines :
4. Select operating system Windows Vista
5.Select Language English
6. uncheck the Updates
7. Select "no restart" and "silent installation"
8. Unchecked "Internet Explorer First run Wizard"
9. Please continue next -->next default option.
10. if you go C:\Programfiles\builds\ you can have two folders "Flat" and "INS", under FLAT folder  we will get the " IE8-Setup-Full.msi".
11.Before use the IE8 we should restart the computer.

12.For uninstall IE8 we can use command:FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-8*.mum /c "cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:@fname /norestart"
This information I got from ''


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