Thursday, 23 June 2011

Package Internet Explorer 8 for vista

1.Use IEAK 8 from
2. Before install the IEAK 8 , we should install the IE8 Media in the pc.

3. click on Internet Explorer Custom Wizard then select the 3rd option like Inranet distribution licens.
From the following link I followed the below guidelines :
4. Select operating system Windows Vista
5.Select Language English
6. uncheck the Updates
7. Select "no restart" and "silent installation"
8. Unchecked "Internet Explorer First run Wizard"
9. Please continue next -->next default option.
10. if you go C:\Programfiles\builds\ you can have two folders "Flat" and "INS", under FLAT folder  we will get the " IE8-Setup-Full.msi".
11.Before use the IE8 we should restart the computer.

12.For uninstall IE8 we can use command:FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-8*.mum /c "cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:@fname /norestart"
This information I got from ''

Adding Shortcut to an application using WPS

Goto Installation Expert, Select Shortcuts under Feature Details
From Current Feature, Select a Feature or condition. (Because any item to add must be assigned to a specific feature, we cannot add an item when All Features is selected.)

Click on Add
Shortcuts can be created using the files that are present in the installation or by passing command line arguments.
File in the installation
 Mark this to have the shortcut open a file in the installation.
Advertised: This is marked by default, which means this shortcut appears on the destination computer regardless of whether its target is installed or advertised. When the end user opens an advertised shortcut, installation of the target .EXE file is initiated. If you clear this checkbox, the shortcut appears only if its target is installed, but not if its target is advertised.
Note : If you designate a shortcut as advertised, and the shortcut's target is deleted, selecting that shortcut initiates self-repair. Self-repair is not initiated for non-advertised shortcuts.
Command Line
Mark this to have the shortcut execute a command line statement. Use this option to open a file that's not part of the installation, but only if you're sure the file exists on the destination computer. Command line shortcuts are not advertised.

  • Command Line: Enter the entire command line statement, including arguments and other command line options

  • Shortcut Name: Enter a name for the shortcut.

  •   The options File in the installation and Command Line are used depending on the requirement.
    Below are the steps to create shortcuts in MSI:
    1. Choose "File in the installation" or "Command line".
    2. If "Command line" option is selected enter command line and Shortcut Name.                                                                                                                 

    2. Click Next to proceed.
    3. For the shortcut that is created using "File in the installation" option, select the file from the application to create a shortcut for.

    4. Click "Next" to select the Shortcut Destination Directory.
    Select the Destination Directory for the new shortcut.
    Specify a directory to contain the shortcut. The predefined directories on this dialog represent standard system directories on the destination computer. The most common location for application shortcuts is the Start menu's Programs directory, which is selected by default.
    To put the shortcut in a new directory, click on New Folder to create it, with the option available at the bottom left of the dialog.

    To create the new directory enter the name of new directory Name at "New FolderName".

    5. Click on Finish.
    The Shortcut Details dialog appears, where you can specify further details for the shortcut.
    Below screenshot shows the difference when option "File in the installation" (Left screenshot) \ "Command Line" (Right screenshot) is selected. Here note that, the shortcut that is created using command line is not advertised.

    In order to set/edit/change the display icon for the shortcut, click on New Icon which is there at bottom left side of shortcut Details dialog.

    Click on Browse for the icon to specify the path of the icon file.

    Select an .EXE\.dll\.ico file.

    Select appropriate Icon for your shortcut.
    Click OK to close the dialog.
    You can specify further details for the shortcut if needed as per the requirements.
  • Arguments: Enter command line arguments to append to the command line statement that is executed to launch the target of this shortcut. You can enter property names surrounded by brackets to specify standard directories. (Example: To specify a file named Notes.txt in the Program Files directory, enter [ProgramFilesFolder]Notes.txt.)

  • Description: Enter a one-line description of the shortcut, which appears when an end user right-clicks on a shortcut file in Windows Explorer and selects Properties.

  • Working Directory: Select the directory that should be current when the target of this shortcut is launched.

  • Show Window : Select whether the target file opens in a normal/minimized/maximized window.

  • Click on Ok button to save the changes.

    Packaging Mozilla FIrefox 3.6.3

    Create  msi for the given media (Firefox Setup 3.6.3.exe) using Setupcapture.
    1. Add the following files to Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\profile\extensions.    (According to the given instructions)

    2. The following changes are made to the file firefox.js (located at  [ProgramFilesFolder]Mozilla Firefox\defaults\pref\)
    Changed the values  from True to False on the following lines:
    pref("app.update.enabled", true);
    pref("", true);
    pref("", true);
    pref("general.startup.browser", true);
    Changed the value to 0 in the following line
    pref("app.update.mode", 1);
    The following line was added to the firefox.js file
    // Preferences for the Get Add-ons pane
    pref("extensions.checkCompatibility", false)

    3. Add the  file  "override.ini" under "[ProgramFilesFolder]Mozilla Firefox\" with the below information:
    This will suppress the Import wizard that pops-up when shortcut is launched.

    Disabling Automatic updates in SunJRE application

    To Disable AutoUpdates in JRE application, we need to add the below custom actions and have to place it under Execute immediate sequence.

    These custom actions will run from destination and will add the below registry keys during the time of installation.

    reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Javasoft\Java Update\Policy" /v EnableJavaUpdate /t reg_dword /d 0 /f

    reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Javasoft\Java Update\Policy" /v NotifyDownload /t reg_dword /d 0 /f

    reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Javasoft\Java Update\Policy" /v NotifyInstall /t reg_dword /d 0 /f

    reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Javasoft\Java Update\Policy" /v EnableUpdateCheck /t reg_dword /d 0 /f

    Also, change the value of the below properties to "0".


    Disable Automatic Updates in FlashPlayer and ShockwavePlayer

    Flash Player
    Modify the property:

    Add file
    [System Folder] Macromed \ Flash \ mms.cfg

    The file contents:
    AutoUpdateDisable = 1
    And saved with the UTF-8 encoding

    Shockwave Player
    Modify the registry hive
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Shockwave 11\AutoUpdate
    y ->n

    Package MS Office Professional Plus 2007 using OCT

    Unzip the media  for  installation folders and SETUP.exe
     1.Give command line
    SETUP.exe /admin, to open OCT tool
    2. Select option "Create a new setup customization file for the following product"

    3.Setup-->Install Location and Organization name
         Organization Name (Refer Pak Order)

    4.setup-->Licensing and user interface
        *product key(Refer Pak Order)
        *checked box to accept license agreement
        *Display Level-->Basic and checked “No cancel”
    5. Features-->Modify user settings-->Microsoft office 2007 system-->Privacy-->Trust Center

          Change the status "Disable" for
            *Enable Customer Experience Improvement Program
            *Automatically receive small updates to improve reliability.

    6. Add registries to disable updates
    *To disable privacy options(In the first launch the application)
    7.Save the file(Access2007.msp which contains the changes done) in Updates Folder,during the installation, Setup finds and applies the MSP files which is in the Updates folder .

    Packaging AdobeReader 9.0 using AdobeCustomizationTool

    If we install AdbeRdr90_en_US.exe, it will extract msi file in "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Setup Files"
    The transform file is created using adobe customization tool.

    Go to File ----> Open Package.
    Open the .msi file
    Go to Transform -----> Generate Transform.
    Give the name of .mst file.
    Modify the transform file.
    1. Go to EULA and Document Status
    *Suppress Display of EULA.
    2. Go to Online and features.
       Make the changes as shown.
    3. Remove the desktop shortcut.
    4. Go to Direct Editor. In the tables column go to property table. Add REBOOT property. (REBOOT=ReallySuppress)
    5. In the registry table, add registry to disable "Acrobat Javascript" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\JSPrefs]
    6. For clean un installation the Custom actions can be added directly in the Custom action table and install execute sequence table.
    After making all the changes save the file.

    Setup Capture - Wise Packaging studio

    Steps for capturing an application

    1.       Click on “Tools” menu in Wise package studio and click on “SetupCapture” under “Package creation” section.

    2.       In the Welcome screen, click on “SetupCapture” and Click Next.  


    3.       Specify the target location and name the windows installer file which has to be created. Select “Copy Source Files During Installation Save” option and select the destination directory where the source files need to be saved.  Check “Store Source File Pathnames as Relative Pathnames”.

    4.       SetupCapture screen launches.


    ·         Click Change button to change the location of the Configuration file. 


                    Note: Configuration file has the information about the files/registries that should be excluded during the capture.

    ·         Click Settings button to view/change the setupcapture configuration settings.

    SetupCapture Configuration

    Ø  Include files deleted during capture and Include registry keys deleted during capture: Unless you are trying to capture an upgrade/patch, you probably don't want to use these options.

    Ø  Capture changes in hardware registry entries: This means most of the data in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM key (which includes services and other non-hardware-related stuff) will be ignored unless you select it.

    Ø  Allow root to be watched during capture: This will watch the root drive during capture.

    Ø  Enable ordering of self-registration (for SmartMonitor only): This will capture the order in which the files are registered.

    5.       Click Next on the “Begin Installation Capture” screen to begin capture.

    Begin Installation

    6.       Wait till the scan completes and when the “Execute Installation” screen comes, browse the exe and execute it.


    7.       Click Next after execution to capture the changes after installation.

    8.       “SetupCapture Inclusions” screen appears which will have the captured entries during the installation. The below screen has the list of  files captured during the installation.  

    Captured Files

    This screen has a drop-down named “Inclusion_Type” with the help of which we can see the files/registries/INI files/Shortcuts captured during the installation.


    This screen also has three options, “Exclude”, “Exclude Globally” and “Treat as INI”.

    Exclude – This option helps to exclude an entry from the current installation, if it is not related to the installation. Select the file/registry/ini file/shortcut and click “Exclude”.

    Exclude Globally – This option will exclude the selected entry globally i.e.,  this option moves the selected entry to the exclusion list and hence that entry will no longer be captured in any of the installation.

    Treat as INI – This option is applicable only for the File Inclusion screen. This option will move the selected file to INI table of the msi.

    9.       Click Next to go to “SetupCapture Exclusions” screen where you will see the files/registries/INI files/shortcuts excluded during the installation. This screen has an option to “Include” the excluded entry.

    Exclusion drop down

    10.   Click Next to go to the finish screen.
    This screen will have the below information of the application:
                    Name: <Application_name>
                    Version: <Version>
                    Manufacturer: <Vendor>
                    Default Directory: <Default_Directory>
                    Destination Feature: Complete (in most cases)
    After filling the required information in the above screen click “Finish” which will compile the installation.

    It will then create <Application_name.wsi>. Edit this file and compile it to get <Application_name.msi>.
    Structure of MSI:
    MSI Structure

    Repackager - AdminStudio Tool

    Repackager is used for  capturing the data placed on system during installation and converting it into a Windows Installer (.msi) package, which can then customize and distribute according to  organization’s needs.

    There are two methods for capturing.
    1. Installation Monitoring
        In this method Repackager watches lower-    level system activities and record changes         made to the system by the setup program(s).    It then analyzes these activities and stores the    setup data in an output file which can be converted into a Windows Installer package.
    1. Snapshot
    Repackager takes an initial snapshot of the localsystem, allows to run setup program(s) and then takes a second snapshot. The difference between the two snapshot is stored in an Output file which can be converted into a Windows Installer package.
    Open Repackager from AdminStudio Tools,
    Click On Capture..
    Click on Capture an Installation Using Repackaging Wizard
    Select SnapShot
    Click Next
    Select Multiple Steps
    Select Multiple Steps, Click Next
    Wait till the scan completes.
    Initial Scan Info
    The Initial snapshot is now completed.
    Install .exe or make any changes to the system to create msi package.
    Now Run the Repackager tool from AdminStudio Tools.
    Select Capture an Installtion...
    Click on “Capture an Installation Using Repackaging Wizard”
    Click next

    Click Next,
    Click next,

    Enter Product Name, Version, Company Name and click next
    Wait till the following screen appears.
    Click on Finish, this open the repackaging file (.irp) which will have the captured entries during the installation. 
    Go to Files and Folder Exclude the system related entries (files and registry and Shortcut).
    Exclude: This exclude the particular file or folder
    Exclude All: Excludes the hierarchy.
    Go to Repackaged Output àAdvanced Settings, 

    Settings should be done according to the Standards.
    Go to package Information from Repackaged Output
    From the editor project location, <My Application.ism> is compiled to get <My Applicaton.msi>
    Repackaged Output Options, provide option to build
    • Windows Installer Package(.msi)
    • Microsoft App-V application
    • Citrix XenApp profile
    These options are used according to Standards.
    Then Click on Build from Build menu
    The project file will be created according to options selected. The ouput file will be created in Location "Editor Project File"(Repcakaged Output)